Enjoy a cup of tea while discussing British movies and television series with a very welcoming group.
Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities. View the complete policy at scgov.net/ADA.
Enjoy a cup of tea while discussing British movies and television series with a very welcoming group.
Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities. View the complete policy at scgov.net/ADA.
A new class designed for everyone regardless of age or fitness level. Join us to explore basic yoga poses to develop strength, flexibility and balance.
This is a rescheduled event due to the cancellation of the 12/6 session. If you registered for 12/6, unfortunately registrations do not carry over, you will need to register for this session separately.
Are you curious about our Creation Station? Join us for Open Lab, where library patrons can explore and experiment with a variety of tools and equipment such as Osmo technology, robots, button makers, and more.
On the first Friday afternoon of the month, watch a movie that is hosted by film professor Maryann Dahlen, who will invite the audience to discuss the movie after its showing.
Topic: Metabolic Disorder
Some diseases arise not from infection, but from "inborn errors of metabolism". What are some of these diseases? Can we do anything to help those affected by faulty genes?
Who doesn't love a good CRAFTernoon? Spend your afternoons at the library making festive crafts to get you through winter break!