Playing Ukulele for Fun in the Sun!

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Adults, Seniors
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration is closed because no more seats are available.

Program Description


Free classes for adults and seniors. 

  • Learn a I-IV-V or Blues Progression (with 3 chords) to play dozens of well-known songs
  • Develop a vocabulary of ukulele chords
  • Acquire the ability to move smoothly and fluidly from one chord to the next
  • Experiment with different approaches for rhythmic strumming
  • Everyone will be invited to strum along with songs
  • Everybody will be welcome to sing along, but singing is not required

Some ukuleles will be available from the library's Creation Station, or you can bring your own from home. A limited number of ukuleles will be available for participants to borrow for practice at home.

All skill levels are invited!

With a focus on beginning and intermediate levels.

Registration required as space is limited.