IHL YAC Space Law and Armed Robotics

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Program Description


Attend this fascinating presentation on the international laws that govern our planet and the universe beyond, led by a one of Sarasota’s own IHL teams within Youth Action Campaign (YAC), an educational advocacy movement for adolescents, facilitated by the American Red Cross. In addition to learning how international space governances can apply to real-world concepts, this presentation will also feature a robotics game demonstrating the difficulties and significant risks when destroying satellites in space.

What is the IHL YAC?

The International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Youth Action Campaign empowers youth and young adults, ages 13-24, to learn about international humanitarian law - the body of law that governs armed conflict.

Young people volunteer to educate the American public on IHL by exploring topics with their communities through peer-to-peer education campaigns. Youth teams participate in an IHL training, during which they learn how to build their own educational campaigns and conduct in-person and social media activities to promote awareness around IHL.

For more information, visit www.ihlsrq.com.