Law at the Library: Interactions with Law Enforcement and Traffic Stops

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*Lifelong Learning*

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Program Description


    Attorney Stefan Campagna will give a presentation on Interactions with Law Enforcement and Traffic Stops and be available to answer your questions.

This program is part of the Law at the Library series featuring local Attorneys and organizations providing advice on resources on a variety of topics. Hosted by Sarasota County Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division. 

About the presenter: Once a defendant in Sarasota County’s juvenile justice system, Attorney Stefan Campagna now serves to protect your rights if you have been accused of a crime. As an adolescent, Stefan was faced with several criminal charges and eventually referred to the Teen Court of Sarasota. After the successful completion of sanctions, he made the decision to give back with his academic and eventual professional aspirations.

Now a lawyer that practices in the area of criminal law, Stefan has represented hundreds of individuals across Sarasota County who have been accused of misdemeanor and felony crimes. As a former defendant, Stefan focuses on each case as if it were his own, paying special attention to each detail, and taking the time to personally communicate with each of his clients. After starting a youth court in New York, Stefan has been an integral influence in juvenile diversion policy across the country.