Forty Carrots Free Virtual Community Speaker Event: Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine (LIVE)

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*Lifelong Learning*, Virtual

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Program Description


THRIVERS: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine

FEATURING MICHELE BORBA, ED.D.- Educational Psychologist & Best-Selling Author

Our kids are the smartest on record, but also the loneliest, most stressed, risk averse, and depressed. It’s why we must rethink our parenting so they can thrive in an anxious, uncertain world. The good news is that thrivers are made, not born. In this thought-provoking session, parents, caregivers and educators will learn seven traits that science says matter most in happiness and success (even more than IQ and grades) and help kids thrive both now and later. This session will offer hands-on tools to raise successful, self-reliant, and less-pressured kids who thrive in school and life.

THRIVERS offers a science-based framework to help adults raise a more resilient generation who are ready and able to handle an uncertain new normal. Dr. Michele Borba identifies seven teachable strengths that will safeguard kids for the future, offering practical "how-to" strategies and ideas for everyday activities that build up kids' strength, resilience, happiness, and success.


Please register for this virtual event HERE.


Forty Carrots was founded in 1993 by Betsy Kane-Hartnett and Diane Weiss. Betsy, a preschool director, and Diane, a parenting educator, had dreamed of opening a center that blended their respective skills of early childhood and parenting education, a place where families – regardless of economic status, educational background, age, or other factors – would find the resources, tools and support they needed to help nurture their families, educate their children and overcome the challenges inherent in those early years.