Artists in the Libraries: Art and Yoga with Jessica DiLorenzo McHugh

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Registration for this event will be open from July 19, 2024 @ 5:08am to August 9, 2024 @ 12:00pm.
Allowed Ages: 9 to 17

Program Description


Space is limited. Registration is required through the online calendar to participate in this event. Exceptions made to caregivers and family of tweens and teens participating who wish to remain in the room.

Movement can unveil the innate creativity we all have within us! There are certain postures and movements in the yoga tradition that can make us feel more grounded, more open hearted, more awake, and more connected to our intuition and community. Join experienced educator and artist, Jessica DiLorenzo McHugh, on a yoga adventure exploring creativity, joy, and a sense of adventure. We will close class with a short art project to remember the artist within each of us!


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