Come and socialize with fellow knitting, crocheting and sewing enthusiasts! All levels welcome. Bring your current project to work on.
Come and get assistance from experienced and knowledgeable volunteers.
Bring your questions!
Stumped by technology? Your technology questions can be answered through an in-person appointment with one of our Tech Navigators. Tech Navigators are library staff members ready to assist you with technology skills.
Storytime Adventures
For infants to five years, attending with caregiver. The storytime includes simple stories, nursery rhymes, songs, fingerplays, and crafts. Space is limited. Free tickets are available at the youth desk beginning at 10 a.m.
Calling all readers: our dog friends from the Suncoast Humane Society are returning to the Jacaranda Library, and they want you to read to them!
Lecture: The Rosenwald Schools of Florida presented by Liz Coursen
In 1911, Booker T. Washington, principal of the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama, met Julius Rosenwald, Chicago philanthropist and CEO of Sears, Roebuck.
Beginners Day with Quirky Knitters
Bring your projects, patterns, and questions to Elsie Quirk Library and join the Quirky Knitters for an afternoon of knitting and crochet. All skill levels welcome. Registration is not required, so come on in to knit and chat!
Come and get assistance with your genealogy research from experienced and knowledgeable volunteers.
The Knit Happens Club
Join other local knitters and crocheters while working on personal projects and discussing all things knitting/crocheting. All skill levels welcome.
Registration is not required, so come on in to knit and chat!
Play Mah Jongg with other experienced players in the Rotunda and make new friends! Please bring your own NMJL card with your name on it.
Join us on the first Thursday of the month to discuss our selection. Limited to 20 participants. Register at the Fruitville Reference Desk or call 941 861-2518
Sarasota County Extension Services Master Gardeners are here to help folks identify plants, flowers, etc. as well as care for them.
Get expert advice on your landscaping needs.
Winter Break CRAFTernoons
Who doesn't love a good CRAFTernoon? Spend your afternoons at the library making festive crafts to get you through winter break!
On the first Thursday of each month, the Old Miakka Schoolhouse hosts a community potluck dinner. Never to disappoint, the Pop-Up brings a dish of new reads and library services!
LEGO® Club
Work on your own creations or build as a team. We provide the LEGO® bricks, you provide the imagination.