Depolarizing Within Workshop (Live)

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Program Type:

*Lifelong Learning*, Virtual

Age Group:

Adults, Seniors
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description


Braver Angels brings together Red and Blue Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America.  Join this workshop to foster skills to help you lessen the effects of polarization when you encounter them in your political conversations. Note that by "polarization," we are not referring to healthy disagreements over issues or philosophy. We are talking about how we regard and talk about large groups of ordinary people on the other side of the political aisle. 

Take this workshop if you are interested in: 

  • Becoming more aware of your own inner polarizer and finding ways to counteract that impulse. 

  • Learning how to be critical without stereotyping, dismissing, ridiculing, or showing contempt. 

  • Building skills for intervening in a constructive way in social conversations that veer into contempt and ridicule for people who hold other political views.

To register click here. Password: DW-Sarasota-Bartow-10-20

The "Voices & Votes: Democracy in America” exhibit and related programming are brought to you by Florida Humanities and the Smithsonian Institution. We would also like to thank the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for their generous support of this initiative and the Pulitzer Prizes for their partnership. Local support has been provided by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation.