Baila Miller discusses the Illiad and the Odyssey

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*Lifelong Learning*, Lectures

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Program Description


Baila is back with four lectures this season on one of the most powerful influences on western culture: Ancient Greece. This survey of courses makes clear how the Greek World became the Cradle of Western Civilization. Through the study of Greek mythology, history, literature, art, and architecture, we will see how this Ancient Civilization emerged and how it spread its ideas throughout the world.

Baila continues her discussion about ancient Greek culture with her second lecture reviewing the Iliad and the Odyssey and their lasting influence on western literary tradition. 

Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey set the Gold Standard in storytelling 2,800 years ago.

These epic poems remain the most influential work of the Western Cannon because of their universal truths. The contrast of the young, passionate Achilles and his counterpart Odysseus, who is a mature, reasoned man, represent the predicaments and choices that people make throughout their lives.